Keep track and gain insight on ISIS activity with full coverage news.Get the latest and most complete news about ISIS (Islamic State in Iraq and Syria
Keep track and gain insight on ISIS activity with full coverage news.
Get the latest and most complete news about ISIS (Islamic State in Iraq and Syria / Islamic State in Iraq and al-Sham) - from Syria, Iraq and around the world. News from all available sources are included to guarantee unbiased, full coverage. No need to dig through the web to stay informed - all you need to know is right here!
Note that we bring news from the field, from various sources. Some of the news items might be not easy to read/watch.
Features include -
* Full Coverage - a clean feed with no repeated stories! For each story see the different sources that covered it with a simple tap!
* Prioritized feed - the most important news are shown first!
* Keeping you always up to date - Push notifications for prominent stories (optional).
* You can now block any source you don't like! Simply long-tap the article and block it!
* Videos curated from leading Youtube channels !
* An awesome widget!
* In app commenting system! Comment on any story easily from inside the app!
* Express your passion! Tag the articles and let other users know what you think!
* Topics management - choose only the topics you want to read about and get a news feed made especially for you!
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